
190 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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My favorite key!

C minor = fun
great job on the song dude this definetly beats your previous waltzes. A thing I like about the
left hand part here that your other waltzes dont
have were the bigger jumps. It makes the song
sound more fun.
The octaves idea in the first section was a good
idea. Nice crescendo.

Keep it up bro


MusicalRocky responds:

"C minor = fun" - Yep
"great job on the song dude this definetly beats your previous waltzes." - sweet! really? (definitely*)
"A thing I like about the left hand part here that your other waltzes dont have were the bigger jumps." - Yeah, that idea just dawned to me randomly
"It makes the song sound more fun." - Jumping is fun
"The octaves idea in the first section was a good idea." - Yeah, it's cool, thanks
"Nice crescendo." - I know, right?!?
"Keep it up bro" - I'll try
"WinterWind-NS" - Not smart?


several things about this song that I would've
done differently...
first, i dont think the strings should've been
tremolo-ing the entire time. It was cool to start
off with tho. the high register piano was nice,
but you know me, i would end up making the piano
the main feature instrument lol
1:13 - 1:15 is kinda, wierd. atleast the wierdness
wasnt long :)
1:52 felt cold. The tremolo there was put to good
use. It actually sounded cold.
the low piano part sounded a bit like a harpsichord. (or maybe it was a harpsichord...) lol
choir was great!

Maestro u did it again
nice jarb

p.s mind taking a trip by my page?
i got a new song waiting for u!


MaestroSorrow responds:

Thank you WinterWind, I enjoyed the crap out of your song, and I am glad you were able to enjoy this one. I have a great respect for your music and knowledge.

Thanks again for the review ^^.


This comes to show you that if you have better
equipment that you sound a billion times more pro
even though the song is the same lol
Great job dude, you too sine
the cello solo was wonderful maybe if it was a bit
more legato, then the vibrato wouldnt be cut off like that
I'm so surprised as to how much better this song sounds orchestrated
the pizzicato part was nice.
the chord progressions at :13 began to sound like
pachelbel's canon in D, until like the third chord haha
great job man


MusicalRocky responds:

Fanks! *cough* Thanks! Hold on lemme listen...Wow, you're right, that's quite beautiful. Simon, if ever you read this, wonderful job with that cello. Haha
Thanks for the review, man.

sweet dude

I'm really glad I could help!
Once you get Edirol, maybe you'll start getting
more and more downloads/votes/reviews lol
You really need to upload something new dude
its been too long



MusicalRocky responds:

Cool. I'll try. I have nothing to upload though. Lol. Thanks for the review.


I love it
towards the end, you should try to do something
to make those hitting chords more sforzando
and accented.
the reverb level, i think, is just fine
and the dissonance at :15 sound just as fine.
(im referring to the A and Eb/D#, w/e key ur in
I didnt like the snare and the cymbal soundfonts,
tho thats not ur fault haha and the 3:36 timpani
roll (i think) sounded kinda wierd...
As for the 'escape' feeling, i didn't really get
it to be honest, im sorry.
But as for the prison feel, DEFINITELY.
I kinda saw like a guy chained by both legs
and hands behind the back walking to his cell.
obviously the prisoner wouldnt be a very evil
person, maybe a revolutionist? lol i sound
pretty wierd trying to portray wut i see...

Once again, sweet song
great concept
and I'm so glad you're back to NG :)


SuperTonic64 responds:

I'll be able to do more with the song once I get Reason 3 or Garritain's Personal Orchestra. (*sigh* Still saving.) Once I get that program, I'll be able to express the dyamics a little better and make the song more expressive. :D

I'm glad you are telling me your portrayal of the song. It helps me when writing to understand how other people see the music like.

Here is my story behind the song:

In this song, a king wrongfully imprisoned five people after putting them on a mock trial for political reasons. During that trial, the king sentenced the hero's love, Illiana, to death, and then imprisioned him so he could suffer out his days. After Illiana was sentenced to death, they are imprisoned, but the hero takes action and breaks free, saving his cell. Before they make it out of the prison, however, a battle occurs between the king's knights, and the hero and his friends defeat them, weaponless, escaping.

Though you could have never known the full story behind the song, I wanted to bring out those kinds of feelings. :D Everyone is different though, and everyone will percieve this song differently. :D

Sorry for the long response! Thanks for the review! :D

Nice title, but i regret...

not listening to more of your songs in the past :)
I truly like this piece very much.
The guitar add in the end was prolly the best idea
and i know i would never have thought of doing
that. It intesifies it in a gentle way.
What i liked better was the fast piano arpeggios
(or fast scale runs, w/e they were). they were
awesome and amazingly executed.

i hope u come back soon
and possibly make another song lol
i wish you all the luck in ur future goals
whether it be musical or not.
I will miss ur songs evn tho i wasnt really too
fond of you.

take it easy,
and have a good life

Musically, WinterWind...

MilkMan-Dan responds:

Hi Winterwind,

I don't ever know if u read my replies. But hopefully this one you do.

I'm sorry to hear you were never fond of me. My only guess as to why... would be... that I've been over-rated and hanging around on the top charts where you and I truly know you deserve 100000 times more than me.

You are seriously... such a professional and perfected artist. Who truly will go soooo far with all your music.

Please anyone reading this... if you haven't listened to Winterwinds music... you need too... it is possibly the best stuff on Newgrounds.

I know you won't believe me... but I put the fast arpeggios in this piece to try and prove to you that I have a degree of talent, perhaps this time worthy of the top of the charts. I'm glad you noted them.

Whenever someone has compared me to you... or placed me and you in the same caetgory... I've always told them the truth. I don't know half of what you know... I have perhaps half the talent.

My only regret... is never collabing with you :). That woulda been amazing.

Thankyou sir
Your biggest Fan

it's ok

not enough rubato
thats my only complain,
no wrong notes,
it duznt sound like u playd it tho lol
plus credit the author

u can get in real trouble if u dont


BeatAssassin responds:

lol whoops the auther's name is Frédéric Chopin everybody.

what makes u think i didnt play it =P

umm.... whats rubato?


real heavenly music you got here
i love the harps, the majority emotion
is derived from the harps, the dissonant
chord in 1:32 wasn't too harsh at all, which
is a big problem with composers now adays

what VST is that?
im gonna guess Magnus Choir VSTi
but im not sure.

great job, i wanna hear more,
i hope it actually gets heroic later in the song.
keep it up


DavidOrr responds:

I'll send you the up-to-date file soon, it does get much more driving and heroic.

I'm using all Reason SoundFonts (all strings are part of the Orkester collection). The orkester sound samples are great, and once you get the hang of the choir sounds you can really morph them into somthing special.

Thanks for the review!


is a pretty musical place if u ask me...
i love the chromatic strings playing the
fast rhythms, intensifying the lengthy powerful
low brass. u definetly do the french horns some
justice lol
i love the intense percussion hits
it moves away from the classic mussorgsky feel
(referring to the Night on Bald Mountain)and
more into the neoclassical/cinematic feel...
real nice

tho i wasnt satisfied with the ending

...is this really u?
cuz i dont wanna seem like a gullible dumbass


ddavis responds:

It's really me, yeah. There's a bunch of jerks on Myspace and other places who claim to be me, but I can assure you I'm real.

i hate u

it must be flattering to hear that someone
hates u solely cuz of ur productions...
Welcome to Newgrounds
and the oboe... sounds more like an english horn...
im pretty sure an oboe would have major problems
playing in a low register as played in this song..
cant wait to hear more from u

ddavis responds:

It was as difficult as hell for those notes to be played in such a low octave, and it took many takes, but I got a final perfect thing eventually.

Don't talk to Strangers.

Ngawang Samphel @Winterwind-NS

Age 35, Male

College Student


Northern VA

Joined on 10/23/05

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