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ultimate synthage

this is the ownage
this song rocks
love the way u use the filtrs to lead up to the big hits
im seriously gonna blast this out at my next party
no doubt about it
stay cool


MattBlair responds:

You have given the most ultimate review man. Thanks! Everyones oving those filters. And go ahead, play it at your next party, but let them know its from the Vance! Stay cool!



wut video game is this from!
wow i almost love it
im bobbing my head to it
incredible chord progressions.
nice remake
evn tho i havent heard the original

k cya


Weapongod30 responds:

Thanks man! And, by the way, its from Chrono Cross! Called Radical Dreamers, lol. Anywyas, thanks man!


this is pretty catchy
i wouldve let the reverb in the cymbals end the song, like let the reverb go on for a couple more seconds...
other than that, thats alll really
great song, love the lead part
o and the bass sounded kinda annoying after a while
great job!


Flashburn responds:

hey thanks for the review winterwind, im a big fan of ur music


the vocals were sweet
not sure if there would be anything i'd change...
the repetative strings weren't annoying
i thought it was okay
not much more to say
awesome job


MattBlair responds:

Thanks WW for the review. I really appreciate it!


damn this is a tad too quiet lol

at 00:18, u forgot to play a note in the right hand
thers also a lot of sustain... a little too much
the triplet part at 00:34 should be staccato but u sustained thru it lol
also the melody should stand out more as oppsed to the up down up down rhythm
also make sure u play the consecutive eighth notes quieter
2:40, u have a nice sense of dynamics
at 3:18, when i play it, i like to ritard into the main melodic refrain and stay at a slow tempo
u played it a little too fast
sounds like u have a pretty nice piano
sounds similar to a yamaha
o and also, next time u play this song anywhere else, have a more legato sense in the ending chords.

Thats just the way i would wanna hear it played. thats how i do it
and also, try to play the first movement!
its one of my favorite movements of all his sonatas. not to be boastful, but its actually not as hard as it seems at first sight.
tho the tremolos in the low left hand can cause problems tempo-wise and syncopation-wise.

anyways, i enjoyed listening to this!
great job playing this
sounds wonderful
i would love to hear classical pieces in the future...
o and respond to this... wut duz ur repertoire consist of? just curious :-)

The #1 piano fan

Scarlatti responds:

My synthesizer is flattered to be compared to a Yamaha. I played it on my Fantom X8, recording into SoundForge. And I knew about the note(s) I missed, but it was a one take thing.

I can tell from your commentary you know the piece well, and all of your thoughts are helpful, except the one about the end chords. I find playing them legato is less satisfying, it rather leaves you hanging. And the staccato effect leads well into the 3rd Movement.

As far as my repertoire: Bits and pieces. The beginning page of the Moonlight Sonata III, as well as the ending section, parts of the Pathetique I, which is not extremely difficult, but intimidating nonetheless, a Bagatelle or two, the Raindrop prelude, a lot of shoddy improv, themes I've heard somewhere before, etc. Bach's Invention 1, which I was very glad to be done learning, but which I play fairly often now. You'd have to sit and listen to me, actually. I can never remember everything, though I don't know that much.

I should like to hear your performance of a Beethoven piece. Perhaps something from the Pathetique?


all i can think about
is a sonic level when i hear this lol
its really nice!
i loved the little triangles too
that was nice
great job


Viewtiful-Masta responds:

(XP) DUDE! Thanks ALOT for that VIEWTIFUL review man! Yep I used the traingles! It felt undone...and it still does but there won't be anymore of this OUT OF CONTROL! This will; be my last song for now! Well just until I get's a new music software! AND THAT'S gonna take a while!

So keep it V until then!



this song is awesome
u are indeed one of the top trance producers out there and obviously better than anyone here... lol
this deserves to be on a better website
i love how u broke it down
.... around... 2:00 maybe..
that was nice
cant wait to hear the actual finished product!


MattBlair responds:

OH EM GEEZ its mr winter WEEZ. Hey sup, thx for the review. *blushes*. Get to know me outside of newgrounds and you'll be lucky enough to hear full versions of my tracks! I love you!(lol) We should collab.


love it

This is soooo much better than wen i last heard it! i love the piano part around....
1:20 i think
that was really nice how u kinda broke it down a bit
the repeating E was a nice touch as well
the idea of repeating a note sounds dumb but worked well in this piece
and wo you've been making these songs pretty quickly as well!
thats awesome
pretty soon u might catch up to Edgen
rain and thunder was a nice add also
the viola was quieter,


MaestroSorrow responds:

heh, yeah the first time I showed you, t'was quite... crap...

however nothing an all-nighter couldn't solve!

And yes I plan to catch up to Edgen, and ParagonX9 too ^-^.

Though I feel maybe I made the repeating note... repeate too much. It feels like its going to end, and then starts up again. I plan to reduce the delay time, or even just give it a small riff melody instead.

Thnx for the review ^^.

its okay

its okay

Quoteman responds:

Cool, a review from WinterEind, I'm not sure if I asked or not -_-. Anyway best of luck to you and your future Compositions


thats pretty sweet
for what game is this for?
i wanna check it out to see if it actually deserves this loop

i want to hear u make a full-on war song
ever thought of doing that?
great loop


SuperTonic64 responds:

Thank you! ^_^

Actually, I am making a full fleged war song for a friend of mine. :) It's going to have action, suspence, and some sadness and excitement in the mix too! :D

A user Kylebrandon is creating an online MMORPG, though the title is still tenitive. :D He asked me if I wanted to write the music for his game, and I agreed. :) But any music I write for his game, I will also put on Newgrounds for downloads. :)

I'm writing for several other games too; one game that is going to hopefully be released to the gaming public too! :D

Don't talk to Strangers.

Ngawang Samphel @Winterwind-NS

Age 35, Male

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Northern VA

Joined on 10/23/05

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