
190 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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5/5, that's one more than 4/5

Awesome job dude
nice octave switching haha
I didn't recall there being backup vocals, which was an awesome addition.
I think I like sea stars now


MusicalRocky responds:

Lolol why can't it be 6/5? :[

Yeah dude I had to do that higher octave stuff cause I couldn't sing it lower lol. I suck.

Yeah I didn't write background vocals, I just decided to do it and improvised it on the spot lol.

that's good lol. I need to record my sea turtles song.

Thanks yo,



Amazing song dude!
I love it.
The part where you have that big major chord, then the diminished chords and then the follow up trill sounds so much fun! (0:56)
Please DO send me the sheet music to this piece
I totally want to learn this song.
Can't wait to hear the first nocturne


NickPerrin responds:

Thanks man. I probably should have had that #1 Nocturne up ages ago... and I realize now that this piece itself hardly qualifies as a Nocturne (in the traditional sense/feel of a nocturne) haha... but hey. Whatever. I'll get that sheet music to you as soon as I can!


yeah at first I was a bit skeptical, but I took your word for it.
and this is pretty intense.
The part that really got me going at first was at :48 i believe.
I didn't expect this kind of song from you haha
I hear you have a choir sample of some sort.
is this a soundfont? east west?
if it's east west, do you have the word builder?
because if you do, you need to compose a choir piece
that'd be really interesting.

nice one nick


NickPerrin responds:

Yeah believe it or not my roots lie in this style of videogame music. I thought I'd revisit that style now that I at least know what I'm doing a little bit. I also learned a bunch of new stuff about audio production so this is also an experiment putting that new knowledge into action.

If ONLY I had word builder! Although I hear that sampler is really system-intensive which wouldn't be good considering all the other symphonic instruments I'd want loaded up at the same time. What I actually have is "Voices of the Apocalypse", It was a precursor to EW Symp. Choirs.

The samples are great, Men's choir and Women's choir, and DO come with word articulations, but I got the samples Giga format which converts to EXS24 in Logic, and as such I'm not sure how one would use a word builder with them. So I just use the "aah" "eeh" and "ooh" etc. I'm going to look into it (I probably should have a long time ago), a choir piece would be really interesting to do.
Thanks for all the reviews!

the infamous dee miner

I already told you how I feel
bi lol


MusicalRocky responds:

the infamous winter minor

I already told u how I feel about u and ur opinion.

cya lawl



that was incredibly thoughtful
including the Cminor segment
which was totally a musthave
this was really well done as well haha
LOL this was totally unexpected thanks so much again dude

I really appreciate this


MusicalRocky responds:

no problems
I had the idea on Thursday. I even told u I had a great idea, and that it dealt with your bday lol. You should've known.
yeah cm was a must. CAUSE BIRTHDAYS CAN BE EVIL. (aka Heath :[)

Anyway I'm glad you liked it haha. It better've been unexpected.




hahaha I'm glad I recognized it
and the part leading up to it was awesome
when I heard it I was like YES thats such a win
but I wont burst ur bubble and tell everyone else lolol
but awesome dude that was great how u put it in there
it fit perfectly as if this was where it originated

oh and of course the rest of the piece was great as well
hahaahahahha i just heard the ending
NICEE dude i thought u would do something like that with such a ownage theme.
it was nearing the end and it still wasnt really resolving but then i heard that melody n i was like o thank god lol

aight enuff blabbering
awesome dude
hire ppl to play this cuz i know ur lame ass cant lolol

this was a LOT better than i thought it would turn out


MusicalRocky responds:

yay u recognized it lol. yeah I enjoyed that "conversation" that occurred before the revelation of the theme haha. You like how the two alternate the theme? lol

haha yeah the rest of the piece. I hope it's good, it's kinda what I wrote. lol
lol of course I came back to teh theme at the end.

haha blabbering. yeah I need to hire like sarah chang and someone else...hilary hahn lol. word.

glad u like it dude.


as awesome as afuera del castillo

I like this one as much as the other batalla
the ritard at 0:33 i thought was very effective
after the entire intro, the ritard made it seem like something big just entered instead of like, a ritard to the end of a piece.
That other reviewer below me phrased his thoughts in what I felt was the rudest way possible without appearing like a complete douchebag
This piece conjures up plenty of visuals, half of which he listed as examples i felt in this song.
Dont take offense to his review
how surprising it is that he's my age

awesome song, shitty first review


MusicalRocky responds:

lawls well I guess it gains value with each listen cause the first time u were like "not as good as the first one tho." haha

yeah I get that feeling with the ritard too. WE ARE PSYKICK LOL AND THINK THE SAME THINGS. haha

yeah that was a gay review below. it would've been enough to say "I didn't really get any emotion from this piece, but I'm sure others will!" or something. idk.

don't worry about it lol. ur review is awethumb

thanks man,


Not bad

Not very hardcore and somewhat mellow
I liked the hat that's delayed into quarter triplets
its different
the break was really nice
only thing that really bothered me was at 1:45
that synth was a bit too loud compared to the rest
it really surprised me but the melody it plays was really nice
i dont remmeber if it was u i mentioned in a review but I dont like songs that fade out even if it isn't just a simple volume control but yeah
nice song man
NG needs more tracks like this haha

take care


Kr1z responds:

Idd, that synth is a lil loudy! i think ill adjust it a lil :)
Yeh u mentioned u dont like fading ends..
But this one is a combination of fade & abrupt, ahwell
im working on it ^^
Thx for the tips!



this is a great start
Love the very soft airy pads in the beginning
they give the song so much depth.
The only things that bothered me was the lack of intro and I've never been a fan of fade out endings, even though in this case it wasn't just a volume control thing.
also I would've liked some cool hihat sequences.
Great change from the high plucky synth to that low lead
That second of breath at 1:22 was just perfect I loved that part especially
again great job on a well produced song.


Kr1z responds:

Thx for the tips ^^
Cya around!

u can play this?

Very nice my friend
this is one of the few songs I didn't hear half way thru the composition haha
so its a nice surprise to hear an instant new piece by u
great job on the serialism
stravinsky is the best (especially the firebird suite)
hope u owned the other students


but rly tho, this would totally fit in one of the cutscenes in my rpg where thers a big monster boss guy character thing in a dark cave n stuff. haha

MusicalRocky responds:

Yeah it's not as hard as it sounds lol.

Yeah that's cause I composed it mostly at school and finished it up real quick at home, so you didn't hear haha.

Yeah stravinsky is the man. Idk if I owned everyone, maybe. lol

Yeah dude put it in ur rpg fo sho. ,lolol

Don't talk to Strangers.

Ngawang Samphel @Winterwind-NS

Age 35, Male

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