really nice
very nice... soothing in a sense lol
u couldve changed the tempo a bit or sumthin to switch it up a bit but thats just my noobish suggestion lol
enjoyable, look foreword to more
really nice
very nice... soothing in a sense lol
u couldve changed the tempo a bit or sumthin to switch it up a bit but thats just my noobish suggestion lol
enjoyable, look foreword to more
Thanks, homes. I'm trying to edge toward filmish or epic videogame stuff. This is something I think (if performed by an actual choir in a big cathedral or something) might work for a redemption scene in some kind of movie. It's a little rough, but it gets the job done.
this is really nice... after reading a review wit my name in it i had to review lol dunno why...
yeah i Do admit im not the best at orchestra, but i loves the piano ;)
but hey watch out....
im composing a REALLY cool orchestra piece that
itll prolly called like eternal clash or sumthin
remember that... i want ur expert reviews lol ETERNAL CLASH
Thanks! :)
Actually, I think that you are an awesome writer; you're more versed in different genres than I am. (I'm just mainly orchestral and some techno. ;) )
I can't wait to hear Eternal Clash! I'm sure it will be awesome! ^_^
*I can't wait to review it too!*
this is pretty cool
one thing....
i think the bass is a lil to loud,
i dunno if its the bass that is making
that soft distorted-like sound...
its still really cool!
i love this song tho it is slightly repetitive
review my songs and vote on em and tell me wut u used for this song, like softwares and plugins (obviously if u used any)
i gave this a couple downloads and a 5/5 :P
Thanks for your vote, WinterWind! You voted 5 for Claw Ultimo Deux, raising its score from 4.00 to 4.50.
Hey Winterwind, thanks for the constructive advice; I've changed up the bass a wee bit so it should be less buzzy.
I took a look at some of your songs and gave you a couple of reviews and downloads too; a nice trade methinks :). I'll be checking out your stuff some more.
i agree wit the last guy
reverb would b nice,
i love that faced paced feeling i get wen i hear this song
and the slow left hand piano part
but i think the left hand octave is just fine
a different sound for the main melody would b better
cool ending
check out my stuff
the main melody is fine. maybe if YOU had a different sound for the melody! OH. REVERSE THE PRESSURE.
you can walk da walk, you can talk da talk, but you still suck cock.
what a crappy band
wtf are u serious? this band SUX! ew dude ur trumpet section has no sense of syncopation between notes... clarinet solo in beginning was ok... ur flute section is pretty nice too... french horns are gross... and ther goes the trumpets again... nasty shit right ther lol. saxophones got those fast runs pretty well... ur trombone/euphonium/bass clarinet section is SOOOOOO WEAK!!@$ omg in that awesome part where the basses do that cool melodic line, u guys fuckd it all up...2:24 a fuckin bass clarinet squeaked... that kinda scared me lol... flutes are REALLy good... french horns.... god they just cant play... lol im reviewing as im listening... this is gross so far.... im really enjoying the flutes... theyre the only ones who are decent... and some clarinets... the trumpets just dont stand out good enuff, especially in that big grand part 5:32... i love that part... like.. i seriously cant stress how much u guys blow (except flutes) in the end it REALLY sounds like all yous guys got shot lips lol cuz it sounded really weak... i didnt enjoy the music... i DEFINELY enjoyed the humor tho.. and thank you for that... as u can tell im a classical fanatic and i review tough on this shit... u prolly dont care since u didnt make this in any way but i bet ur enjoying this review lol o shit thanksgiving dinner is ready... pce out homes, im gonna check this l8r and c if u responded :D
... u better respond.....
You have no taste and you're a pig.
You just made that shit up. Plus, suggesting I didn't make it?
What the hell is wrong with you. Get off newgrounds.
this is amazing
i dont know if this has been mentiond b4 but like after 2:15 minutes thers like nothing until it ends at 3:36 lol w/e it was still great...
check out my songs, theyre not really like ur songs but i do have a couple game songs
Yeah, I figured out that big space at the end right after I submitted it. I don't think you can modify submissions on newgrounds, but the one at is fixed. Thanks for the review.
lol cool stuff
hey this is actually really cool... to b honest i nvr playd megaman but i enjoyd this song nonetheless.. keep it up dude
Thx for the review!
oh god not another flying battery!
i liked it... i didnt like the instrumetnt u used for the main theme... i used a platinum saw... check out my version of this song. great use of the 'wah'or the 'mod' or the 'pitch mod'... or whatevr u used i liked it lol great
belated response:
Thanks for the support, glad you enjoyed! very glad =D thanks you!
Don't talk to Strangers.
Age 35, Male
College Student
Northern VA
Joined on 10/23/05