What does my music consist of?
Dinosaurs clashing with space invaders
on an intergalactic battlefield
littered with Lionel Richie records
with the aroma of Macaroni & Cheese
and Pomegranate & Green Tea water additive on the side
mixed with a hint of melted dark chocolate.
and now, an acrostic poem about me
W interwind bitch
I hate acrostic poems
N ickels taste swell
T inkerbell is fucking small. holy hell
E ndorses trojan extra thin condoms
R aging sex is what I enjoy on a daily basis
----------Rocky's Edit------------
W imps out at video games
I s inferior to Rocky
N ever drinks root beer :(
D ines (in HELL)
Thanks for getting to know me better!
What the Hell.....
you are sure weird...u like SEX???
Anyway, can you make a piano solo piece for me to use as my 'end credits' for my upcoming ThinkQuest project website?
Will appreciate your help